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Approved scientific papers published in conference proceedings.

ISSN 2311-147X Contemporary Innovation Technique of the Engineering Personnel Training for the Mining and Transport Industry 2014 (CITEPTMTI2014). Conference Proceedings.

Conference dates:
27-28 March 2014.

State higher education institution
"National Mining University"



Table of Contents

UDK 624.131

Depth Erosion of Technogenic Loaded Loess Slopes

I. Sadovenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department

State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, E-mail: sadovenkoi@nmu.org.ua

N. Derevyagina, junior research fellow of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology Department

State Higher Educational Institution National Mining University, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, E-mail: natali.derev@gmail.com

Abstract. Complement series of loess soils was carried out to identify a mechanism of the soil restructuring in the process of filtration and to demonstrate qualitative nature of gravel and sludge evacuation as well as its metamorphosis under various conditions. The experiments, concerning filtration movement of water in a device of triaxial compression, make it possible to evaluate structure changes taking place during the process; besides, a method of erosion forming is identified. Identify prognostic boundaries for transformation of suffusion processes into erosion ones.

Keywords: loess soil, filtration inversion, erosion, triaxial compression.

download pdf Sadovenko I., Derevyagina N., Depth erosion of technogenic loaded loess slopes



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