Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

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Department today
 Федоряченко Сергій

The head of the department is Serhii O. Fedoryachenko, Ph.D., associate professor., Associate Professor.

Phones: 00385 6246-90-06, 00385 6246-90-71
E-mail: serg.fedoryachenko@gmail.com

In accordance with the development program of Dnipro University of Technology until 2025, during the last years, the department's employees have been working on finding grant funds, preparing project proposals and establishing international partners, while simultaneously performing scientific and pedagogical work:

  •  in 2013-14, Steinbeis Innovation GMBH, Hochschule Esslingen, Universita Della Calabria, GKN EVO Edrive Systems Limited and Cellera Technologies (K.A. Ziborov, S. Fedoryachenko) were the first to gain experience in preparing a grant proposal for FP7 (Horizont 2020) at the university. AT.);
  •  starting a partnership with foreign scientific publications Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering (by Magnolithe GmbH ) made it possible to significantly increase the number of publications in a foreign language and expand international academic contacts (S.O. Fedoryachenko);
  • initiation and holding on the basis of the department of the CITEPTMTI  international conference (continuously since 2013). Collections of scientific works are registered in ISSN International Centr (International Standard Serial Number), indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus (Verner I.V.) ;
  •  the number of teachers who have received certificates of foreign language knowledge level B2 under the APTIS program of "British council" LLC is increasing: English - 5 teachers (2017); French – 1 (2018), LangSkill – 3 (2019);
  •  cooperation with real manufacturers of industrial products, scientific activity and effectiveness (patents ( about 20 ), implemented technical solutions (K.A. Ziborov, S.O. Fedoryachenko, A.O. Loginova, O.V. Fedoskina)) made it possible to obtain a large number (as for a non-graduate department) of protected qualification theses ( 6 (six) candidate dissertation theses over the last 5 years);
  •  receiving state funding for 2018/19 ( about 2 million hryvnias ) on the topic GP-499 "Creation of the method of forecasting parameters of the technical condition of complex electromechanical systems of electric and hybrid cars" (head of the topic - K.A. Ziborov, responsible executor - S.O. Fedoryachenko);
  •  conducting a number of the latest events: virtual scientific and practical conferences "Informational Technologies in Science & Education" with Vellore Institute of Technology ( India ), Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata ( Italy ) and Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ( Spain ) and on- online lectures with foreign students (2017/18); The department co-organized the ICMPA-16 conference held in India . As a result, an academic cooperation agreement was signed (Ziborov K.A., Fedoryachenko S.O.);
  •  Assoc. Loginova A.O. became the winner of the grant program of the partnership of scientific organizations of Ukraine and France, with the support of the French Embassy in Ukraine - a 3-month internship (National Institute of Applied Sciences (Bourges, France );
  •  establishing contact with the Dnipro City Council as part of the cultural and educational social event "University of the Third Age" (2018) (I.M. Matsyuk, I.V. Verner);
  •  active cooperation with representatives of licensed software products in Ukraine allowed the department to receive the status of Authorized Training Centers of the companies Autodesk and ASCON, and the teachers the status of authorized trainers of Autodesk 2018 (Verner I.V., Tverdokhlib O.M.) and Adobe Campus Leader 2019 (Verner I. IN.);
  •  constant social and marketing (repeated participation in specialized events, Summer School of 3-D modeling, competitions-presentations of scientific works, online meetings with regional schools using Skype communication) and advertising activities among future education seekers;
  •  participation in unusual events for a technical higher education institution (the regional youth fashion festival "Spring Watercolor-2019"), which took place on the basis of the Dnipropetrovsk State College of Technology and Design, allowed to present their development (the image "Digital Yoga Fashion" T.O. Pysmenkova, I. Verner . IN.);
  • an innovative approach in the performance of scientific work gave the opportunity to take a prize place at the INNO-Dnipro  city competition (S.O. Fedoryachenko as part of the interdepartmental author's team, 2019);
  •  receiving the Award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists for the work "Scientific foundations of effective integration of electric transport into the infrastructure of populated areas of Ukraine" in cooperation with the departments of the State Technical University of Ukraine (S.O. Fedoryachenko as part of the interdepartmental author's collective, 2019).

Based on modern trends of the labor market, the specialists of the department came to the conclusion that the requirements of employers for technical specialists have been expanded. Namely, the requirements for information awareness and creative thinking when solving and presenting the results of solving professional tasks. That is why the OPP of masters " Industrial aesthetics and certification of production equipment" and bachelors " Industrial aesthetics and certification of materials and products" with appropriate content was proposed .



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