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Zoia Sazanishvili, Ph.D., Associate Professor (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Maretial Science Magister).







Zoia Sazanishvili from 2004 – 2008 studied at the Dnipropetrovsk National University, specialty - Engineering Materials Science (bachelor). From 2008 – 2009 she studied at the Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, specializing in Applied Materials Science (Master's degree). In 2009 she entered the postgraduate course of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Physical and Technical Faculty, where she studied for three years. In 2016 she defended her dissertation in the specialty 05.02.01 "Material Science" and began working as an associate professor of the Department Space Information Technology. Since February 2023 – Assistant of the Engineering and Generative Design Department, Dnipro University of Technology.


Materials used in rocket and space technology. Special attention has been paid to aluminium alloys and composite materials.

There is also interest in the development of additive technologies for the formation of metal products and the study of the structure and properties of alloys during the production of parts by selective laser melting.

Educational work

Assistant Zoia Sazanishvili currently teaches the disciplines “Qualimetry and quality control of materials and products”, “Modern technologies for the production and processing of materials”, “Expert assessment of materials and products”.

She is a mentor in the competition “E-Formula” and “Pechersky Kashtani”.

Advanced training

·         “Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education”, the Public Organization "Progresylni" – 1 credit (30 hours), 15.03.2023 – 19.04.2023.

Certificate №ПВ-0281 of 01.05.2023.

·         “Distance learning: design, implementation and teaching quality”, Center for Personnel Professional Development of Dnipro University of Technology – 1 credit (30 hours), 17-19.05.2023

Certificate №ЗКЦПР02070743-015-021

·         “Peculiarities of the functioning of the culture of academic integrity in the conditions of martial law”, Center for Personnel Professional Development of Dnipro University of Technology – 0,5 credits (15 hours), 29-30.03.2023.

Certificate №ЗКЦПР02070743-012-140

·         “Strengthening teaching and organizational management in universities”, massive open online courses platform “Prometheus”. Certificate of 21.11.2021:


·         “Information hygiene. How to recognize lies in social networks, on the Internet and on television”, massive open online courses platform “Prometheus” – 1,5 credits (45 hours). Certificate of 30.10.2021:




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